Red Canyon Media

True Cost of Doing Business with Boostability

**For this article, I do make some assumptions that you would have to confirm yourself for accurate data. 

For every $1,000 retail spend, approximately $60 is spent on fulfillment.

Estimate Explained

Average hourly rate Boostability charges wholesale $22hour.  Although I have seen rates between $17 and $28/hour 

Each task is assigned a number of minutes to come up with a price.

For example, a Blog post on their PBN is worth 360 minutes.  That is $132 Wholesale.

Another example is ‘Article Engagement’ (blog comment spamming)

Boost assigns 30 min.  That is $11 wholesale.

Click here to view a breakdown of all the Boostability products.

View Boostability case study #1

View Boostability case study #2

Running the Numbers

My best guess is that Boostability has an 85% profit margin. 

Product 1, “customer blog publication”

Cost to produce content pulled from their content site writersdomain.

Standard blog $12.25 – $15.50, we will use the top price $15.50.

Cost to post to a private blog network(PBN).  My best guess is maybe a $1.

Total cost of Product 1 $16.50.

Wholesale cost of product is $132.  $16.50/132 = 12.5%  cost  to fulfill.

Product 2, “article engagement”(blog comment spamming)

This is a bunch of minimum wage employees going this.

Cost of employee, $12/hr, pulled from glassdoor.

Time to complete I estimate about 5 min.

Total cost of Product 2 $1

Wholesale cost of product is $11.  $1/11 = 9% cost  to fulfill.

An Example of a Red Canyon Media Customer

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